Summer Camp

Almost 70 different merit badges offered, with state-of-the-art facilities, individual scout Specialty Camps, and with several outpost programs

Online Re-Charter

Before beginning Internet Rechartering, collect all member information, including new member forms with the appropriate signatures.

Fundraising Dinner

Join us for a night of fun and help heal support scouting.

Order Tickets

Campsites, cabins, climbing towers, and more. Reserve year-round facilities today.

Year-Round Camping

Campsites, cabins, climbing towers, and more. Reserve year-round facilities today.

Fundraising Dinner

Join us for a night of fun and help support scouting.

Order Tickets
National Jamboree


Learn More
Winter Camps

Combat that cabin fever with a weekend of fun and learning.



Welcome to the Great Sky Country Council!


Welcome to adventure and fun, in other words, Scouting in Great Sky Country. Stay warm and get ready for a lineup of Spring activities. And remember this year's Summer Camp is always fast approaching. Explore our site to learn more.